Please see below for a list of Active Applications that are currently under review. For each application information regarding the status of the application, upcoming meeting dates and any supporting reports provided by the applicant are available. If you have any questions regarding an application, please contact the Planning and Development Department.
NEW - D14-2024-011 and D09-2024-001 155 Main St |
Applications for an Official Plan amendment and Zoning By-Law amendment have been submitted for the |
NEW - D14-2024-013 417B 1000 Islands Parkway |
A complete Zoning By-Law Amendment application has been submitted by Clark Consulting Services, on behalf of 818769 Ontario Inc. for the property municipally known as 417B Thousand Islands Parkway. The application is proposing to amend the existing Environmental Protection Special Exception 3 (EP-3) zone to permit an increase in the number of boat slips. |
D14-2024-009 357 Highway 2 - Non-Statutory Public Meeting |
A Zoning By-Law Amendment Application has been submitted for the property municipally known as 357 County Road 2. The purpose of the proposed amendment is to change the zoning of the subject lands from Tourist Commercial ‘CT’ zone to a Tourist Commercial Special Exception ‘CT-X’ zone to facilitate the development of the site with a gas station, convenience store, and a restaurant with a drive-through. Zoning relief is requested with respect to the proposed width of the driveway access from Days Road, permitting a commercial patio adjacent to a residentially zoned property and permitting an advertising sign at less than 7.5 metres from a street line. |
NEW INFORMATION - D14-2023-008 Zoning By-Law Amendment and D09-2023-002 Official Plan Amendment - Vacant Land on the Corner of Fitzsimmons Road and Granite Ridge Road |
Applications for Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and Zoning By-Law Amendment have been submitted by Fotenn Consultants Inc., on behalf of 2331376 Ontario Inc., for the parcel of land located immediately southeast of the intersection of Fitzsimmons Road and Granite Ridge Road (Roll Number 0812-812-025-50003). The OPA application proposes to amend the existing Rural land use designation in Schedule ‘A1’ of the Township Official Plan to a Tourist Commercial designation. The zoning by-law amendment application proposes to change the existing Rural ‘RU’ Zone that applies to the lands to a Tourist Commercial Special Exception ‘CT-XX’ Zone, in Zoning By-Law Number 07-079. The zoning by-law amendment is proposed to facilitate the development of the property with an indoor boat storage use, consisting of two (2) buildings, each with approximately 3,344 square metres (36,000 square feet) of floor space. Each building is proposed to be approximately 3-storeys in height. Vehicular access to the site is proposed to remain on Fitzsimmons Road. Four (4) parking spaces are proposed, including one (1) accessible parking space. A septic system is proposed in the southwest portion of the site. All files below are listed with the Zoning By-Law Amendment Application Number D14-2023-008 and are also applicable to Official Plan Amendment Application Number D09-2023-002.