Thinking of building a house, a garage, or a deck? You'll need to obtain a building permit and you may need a minor variance.
A minor variance is required if the shape of your lot or the size of your project doesn't meet the minimum setback requirements. Our Committee of Adjustment (COA) will review your application. If you are granted a minor variance it means you are excused from a specific requirement in our Zoning by-law. The minor variance process can take two months or more to complete.
Next steps:
- Complete a Pre-consultation Request and our Planning department staff will connect with you;
- Contact regulatory agencies to discuss your plan;
- With Planning department support, submit a Minor Variance Application form along with applicable planning fees;
- When advised by our Planning department, attend a public hearing at our municipal office where your plan is submitted to the COA for consideration, approval, denial or deferral; and
- After the COA's decision is made, there is a 20 day appeal period. If there are no appeals the decision is final and binding on the 21st day after the date of the decision. If applicable, your building permit will be issued and you will be ready to proceed.
To help you with the minor variance process we accept completed application forms and cheques for the following: