The Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands governs itself and its residents by creating and implementing by-laws. The Township acts on both a complaint basis and on a proactive basis according to enforcement protocols outlined below. The By-Law Reference Guide provides further details for residents and visitors on by-laws in TLTI. Township Council has approved an Administrative Monetary Penalty By-law for the enforcement of many of the Township’s By-laws.
Complaints can be submitted to the Township through the website, Ask a Question and Report a Problem is monitored Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.
Frontenac Municipal Law Enforcement is contracted by the Township to provide By-law enforcement services outside of regular Township business hours for complaints are related to At-Large or Injured Dogs and the Noise By-law. Please contact Frontenac Municipal Law Enforcement at 613-541-3213. This is an answering service only, please leave specific details including:
Once a complaint is received, Frontenac Municipal Law Enforcement or a staff member may reach out to the complainant if there are any questions or further clarification required.
All complainant names and information are confidential and are protected under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; such information may be disclosed if the matter goes to court.
The Township is empowered by the Ontario Municipal Act to pass by-laws. Every reasonable effort is made to ensure compliance with municipal by-laws and the department protocols guide. Areas of responsibility are as follows:
Daniel Barnett
By-Law Enforcement & Education Officer
1233 Prince St., P.O. Box 280
Lansdowne, Ontario
K0E 1L0
Phone: 613-659-2415 ext. 218
Toll Free: 1-866-220-2327
Fax: 613-659-3619
Available Mon - Fri 9-4:30 Otherwise call OPP 1-888-310-1122
E-Mail the By-Law Officer
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By-Law Enforcement & Education Department
1233 Prince St., P.O. Box 280
Lansdowne, Ontario
K0E 1L0
Phone: 613-659-2415 ext. 218
Toll Free: 1-866-220-2327
Fax: 613-659-3619
Available Monday to Friday 9 - 4:30p.m. Otherwise call OPP 1-888-310-1122
After Hours At-Large/Injured Dogs/Noise By-law 613-541-3213
E-Mail the By-Law Officer
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