Well Water and Localized Flooding
Thawing of snow and ice combined with spring rains may cause localized flooding on some properties. Flood water and water ponding around wells can affect the safety of your drinking water. The South East Health Unit (formerly Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit) is advising residents whose wells are directly affected by flooding to boil their water for one minute at a rolling boil before drinking the water, or use an alternate safe source until you test your water and confirm that it is safe to drink.
A few tips to keep in mind if your property is prone to flooding:
It’s important to regularly test your well water tested for bacteria. Run off from heavy rain and snow melting may affect the safety of your drinking water. Bacteria in your well water may not affect the taste or smell of your water. Testing your well water is the only way to know for sure if your drinking water is safe to consume or if it is contaminated with bacteria and requires some actions to protect the health of your family. The Health Unit recommends that you test your well water at least three times a year, or after any weather events such as flooding that may affect the safety of your drinking water.
Visit the Well Water Sampling section of our website for drinking water information including: where you can pick up and drop off your free water bottle samples; how to take a sample; how to disinfect your well (if required). For more information, call us at 1-800-660-5853 or connect with us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @LGLHealthUnit. We are also now on Instagram @lglhealthunit.z For more information about emergency preparedness please visit Emergency Preparedness – Leeds, Grenville and Lanark District Health Unit