Seed Solutions Inc.
Jamie Grier, Owner
421 Centennial Road (Mailing),
1995 Outlet Road (Physical), Lansdowne Ontario, K0E 1L0
613 – 659 – 4747
Tell us about yourself! Hobbies? Fun facts? How did you get started?
Our business started in 1998 as a small on farm seed dealership. Like most farmers we get as much enjoyment from our work as lots of folks do from their hobbies.
Define your business in your own words.
As our name states, seed is the core of our business. We have expanded into grain marketing, handling, trucking, as well as operating a small feed store. I think what makes us unique is that first and foremost we are all farmers, with a farming background, we understand the challenges of the industry. Another interesting fact is we have a dealer network that stretches from SW Ontario, through E Ontario/Quebec and into the Maritime provinces. This makes what we do very interesting dealing with so many types of
farms, farming practices and most of all individuals.
What business achievement are you most proud of?
I would say we're most proud of the level of repeat customers we have and the comments we've received on outstanding service. Recently I had a local resident thank me for being in business, not a big deal, but made me think we're doing something right.
Why did you choose to start your business in Gananoque/Leeds and the Thousand Islands?
The Grier family was one of the areas founding families, settling on our home farm in 1842. Lansdowne has always been home base. The fact that we're close to the 401, and roughly in the middle of our trading area is a bonus.
What words would you use to describe Gananoque/Leeds and the Thousand Islands?
Best of all worlds! Where can you see agriculture and modern farming, Canadian Shield scenery and world class lakes and rivers within a few miles. We also have a unique mix of people, and if you're open minded enough we can all learn something from each other.
What is one item/service in your business customers don't know you offer?
Probably our small feed store, we have livestock, bird seed, shaving and pet food.
Provide a message to your future guests!
Once COVID is over we welcome folks to stop in and ask what we do if they're interested or curious.
If you could describe your business in one word, what would it be?
"Consistent" It's how we like our customers to think of our products and service.