Rock-A-Berry Holsteins
Lisa and David Berry, Owners
293 Berryton Road, Seeley’s Bay ON, K0H 2N0
Tell us about yourself! Hobbies? Fun facts? How did you get started?
Started in 1818 by John Berry a settler from Wexford Ireland. 7 generations of Berry's to farm and care for the land they were given by the Crown. Giles Berry had one of the first Excellent cows in our area; and today David and Brian have raised the bar with some great genetics.
Define your business in your own words.
We employ modern farming practices while respecting the history and work ethic that got us here. We practice no till farming for approximately 80% of our worked land to restore the land and promote soil health. We offer custom planting, combining and haying.
What business achievement are you most proud of?
Seven generations of Dairy Farmers producing great quality milk.
Why did you choose Leeds and the Thousand Islands to start your business?
In 1818 John Berry was deeded the land from the Crown after he served in the army. He petitioned the crown for this land in Leeds and the Thousand Islands because he felt he could clear the land to create the fields we grow crops in today.
What words would you use to describe Leeds and the Thousand Islands?
Centrally located between two major urban centers, great arts, sports and entertainment venues. In the heart of the Thousand Island playground. Conveniently located near the US border for easy trade etc.
Provide a message to your future guests!
Call us to view our herd anytime!
Rock-A-Berry Holsteins described in one word: