
Population is the sum of births plus in-migration, and it signifies the total market size possible in the area.
- The Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands (TLTI), has a population of 9,465.
- The population is growing at an average of 0.18% per year.
- In the last two census, the population grew by 188 people.
Statistics Canada. 2016 Census. Last Updated: February 2017

The Ages chart illustrates the age trends across all age groupings.
- 13.96% make up the younger population that will also be part of the labour force in two decades or less.
- 3,085 people are expected to retire in the coming years.
Statistics Canada. 2016 Census. Last Updated: May 2017

Average Weather

- It is coldest in TLTI in January when temperatures drop to -13.3 °C.
- Warmest in the month of July when it hits highs of 26.3 °C.
- May temperatures are more fickle as they changed by 11.2 °C in the same month from 2016.
- Temperatures are most stable in the month of November.
- Wrap up in layers in the month of January when snow builds up to an average of 39.7 centimetres. February is also snowy with an average snowfall of 35.6 cm.
- Umbrellas and raincoats are most handy in the month of September when it rains an average of 102 mm. The month of August is also rainy with an average rainfall of 89.1 mm.
Environment Canada. Last Updated: November 2018

Household Income

The household incomes chart shows how many households fall in each of the income brackets specified by Statistics Canada.
- With a population at 9,465 people, most inhabitants of TLTI are above the low income cut-off, or the income a person must earn to be considered part of the low income group.
- The majority are above the 2016 national median income of $76,300 per year.
Statistics Canada. 2016 Census. Last Updated: September 2017
Housing Prices

Home ownership in TLTI is divided into 3,465 home owners and 395 renters.
- 89.77% of people in the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands are home owners while the remaining are renters.
- Housing prices have more than doubled over a 15-year period.
Statistics Canada. 2016 Census. Last Updated: October 2017

Labour Force by Industry

The labour force industries chart illustrates the share of different industries that are hiring our labour force.
- The average unemployment rate in TLTI is dwindling by -0.58% per year.
- The participation rates chart shows the percentage of people who are either employed or are actively looking for work.
- The industry that ranks highest is Health Care and Social Assistance, hiring 615 people or 12.35% of the community's workforce. This sector is primarily engaged in: providing health care by diagnosis and treatment, residential care for medical and social reasons, and social assistance, such as counselling, welfare, child protection, community housing and food services, vocational rehabilitation and child care.
- The second largest is the Retail Trade industry that hired 11.95% of locals.
- The third largest is the Public Administration industry with 490 employees living in the Township.
Statistics Canada. 2016 Census. Last Updated: November 2017
Labour Force by Occupation

The labour force by occupation chart illustrates a breakdown of the occupations of TLTI's workforce and outlines the skill-set of the primary and secondary industries.
- The majority of our workforce is in Sales and Service with 1240 people or 24.87% of the labour force. This category contains retail and wholesale sales occupations and customer and personal service occupations related to industries such as accommodation and food services, travel, tourism and cleaning services. Sales and Service occupations can be linked to formal post-secondary or occupation-specific training programs, formal on-the-job training and apprenticeship training is available for some specialized service occupations.
- The second largest field is Trades, Transport and Equipment operators, comprising 18.76% of locals.
- The third largest group is Business, Finance and Administration with 680 employees. 122 businesses or 57.55% of the community's business establishments have 1 to 4 employees. Definitions of what fall under a small, medium, or large business varies per country, however, in North America, small businesses are generally those with fewer than 100 employees.
Statistics Canada. 2016 Census. Business Register Last Updated: June 2016
Major Fields of Study

The major field of study chart shows disciplines or areas of learning and training of a person's highest completed post secondary certificate, diploma or degree.
- The majority of our Education Fields of Study are in Engineering & related fields with 905 people practicing it in TLTI.
- Health & related fields is another popular field of expertise, as 18.7% of inhabitants are involved in it.
- The third group are those who are in Business, Management & Public Administration, with 750 people responding that it is their line of work.
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is expected to be a growing industry; the Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands has 1,090 people or 25.32% of workers in STEM industries.
Statistics Canada. 2016 Census.Last Updated: November 2017