Burdock Nettle
Linda Davis, Owner
26 Guild Road, Mallorytown ON, K0E 1R0
Tell us about yourself! Hobbies? Fun facts? How did you get started?
I lived in Australia and New Zealand, love to read and wildforage. I got started with the need to understand another way of helping family and friends.
Define your business in your own words.
Chemical free herbal products for family and dogs and horses. This business is unique in that I grow the herbs and wildforage plants which I then use to create herbal products.
What business achievement are you most proud of?
My products are well received by community and retail stores. I have been in this line of business for over 30 years.
Why did you choose Leeds and the Thousand Islands to start your business?
It is where I have lived for 15 years. The communities are kind and friendly and in general respect nature.
What words would you use to describe Leeds and the Thousand Islands?
Beautiful, unique, heritage, home to uniqueness in flower, fauna and nature
Provide a message to your future guests!
Please come for a walk with me and let me show you the way nature provides for your health and welfare.
What is one item/service in your business customers don't know you offer?
1000 Islands Flower and Leaf Spirit Extracts